Tattoo Tarot Ink & Intuition Megamunden NOVO!!!

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Tattoo Tarot Ink & Intuition Megamunden NOVO!!!

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

5.034 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Palilula, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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  • Stanje Nekorišćeno

Tattoo Tarot Ink and Intuition
autor: Megamunden

Izdavač: Laurence King Publishing
Datum izdavanja: 2018
Deluxe izdanje u zaštitnoj kutiji,
Broj strana: 78 karti + booklet 28
Dimenzije seta u zaštitnoj kutiji: 10,8 x 5,1 x 16,2 cm

ENGLESKO izdanje na ENGLESKOM jeziku!!!


Luksuzni box set, kutija, komplet karata ( 78 karti za tarot ) i knjizica sa uputstvima od 28 strana.

Slike koje sam postavio su preuzete sa interneta. Znaci slike prikazuju karte i kutiju koju cete dobiti, sve je novo i potpuno nekorisceno!

Tattoo Tarot is a beautifully illustrated, fully functional set of 78 tarot cards featuring vintage tattoo designs.

This set of fully functional tarot cards is based on traditional tarot iconography as interpreted by MEGAMUNDEN, author of Tattoo Postcards and the best–selling Tattoo Colouring Book.

The set contains the 78 cards of the tarot deck, luxuriously packaged in a gift box. A 28–page booklet explains how to interpret the cards and conduct your own readings, gaining a fascinating insight into what lies ahead and a fresh perspective on important themes and opportunities to watch for.

The creation of the deck and accompanying booklet was guided by a professional tarot consultant and writer.

Luxuriously packaged, these tarot cards make the perfect gift for the modern spiritualist, or any fan of the metaphysical, astrology or horoscopes.

Tattoo Tarot is a beautifully illustrated, fully functional set of 78 tarot cards featuring vintage tattoo designs.

This set is based on traditional tarot iconography as interpreted by MEGAMUNDEN, author of Tattoo Postcards and the best–selling Tattoo Colouring Book.

A 28–page booklet explains how to interpret the cards and conduct your own readings, gaining a fascinating insight into what lies ahead and a fresh perspective on important themes and opportunities to watch for.

The creation of the deck and accompanying booklet was guided by a professional tarot consultant and writer.

Luxuriously packaged, these tarot cards make the perfect gift for the modern spiritualist, or any fan of the metaphysical, astrology or horoscopes.

`Looking for a fun new deck? Tattoo Tarot is beautifully illustrated and a new twist on the traditional deck` – Kindred Spirit

`Great deck that mixes the Marseilles with the RWS. Superb card stock and fantastic tattoo artwork. Highly recommend and very popular with my clients.` – Amazon reviewer

`Just received my deck and it blew me away. Lovely big sturdy box with red inset inside and has the real wow factor. Lovely cards and intro to deck reading. Thank you so much, made my day.` – Amazon reviewer.

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bonvivan68 (1.439)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

5.034 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Palilula, Grad Beograd, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 137882013