Family Guide to Complementary and Conventional Medicine: How to Use Them Together for the Safest and Most Effective Treatment
David Peters
Dorling Kindersley, 2007 - 512 страница
Odlično očuvano, kako kombinovati alternativnu i konvencionalnu medicinu na najbolji i najbezbedniji način, alternativna medicina, savremena medicina, konvencionalna medicina, nutricionizam, terapije, homeopatija, tradicionalna kineska medicina, akupunktura, psihiloške terapije, poremećajji, šizofrenija, post-traumatski sindrom, gojaznost, mucanje, depresija, alergije...
Reluctant to resort to medical drugs when there may be an effective treatment with no side effects? Keen to alleviate back pain with the right exercises? Determined to avoid arthritis and stay active?
Family Guide to Complementary and Conventional Medicine is a balanced and comprehensive guide to the best treatments for you and your family. Learn how to use both branches of medicine together for the safest and most effective treatment.