Preko 15 miliona uspešnih kupovina
A Dictionary of Fairies: Hobgoblins,Brownies,Bogies And Other Supernatural Creatures
autor Katharine M. Briggs
Penguin Books Ltd, 1977
1. izdanje
mek povez
481 strana, ilustrovana
format 18,1 x 11,1 cm
težina 675 grama
IZUZETNO RETKA I SKUPA KNJIGA!!! Na Amazonu, Abebooks i drugim specijalizovanim sajtovima cena je obicno ne manja od 300 evra, pa na gore.
Knjiga je u perfektnom stanju, postoji minimalna pohabanost prednje strane korica ( pogledati sliku, prednja korica, gore desno ), sve ostalo perfektno i po mom misljenju, nekorišćena knjiga.
A magnificently researched, illustrated directory of the fairies of the British Isles. There are entries on assipattles and mumpokers, on fairy dress, on fairy crafts and food, and, most useful this, on spells to obtain power over these fiendish little people. It is so entertaining that it is recommended as a bedside companion than as a serious technical reference book.
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