Trenutna ponuda: 1.490 RSD
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Preko 15 miliona uspešnih kupovina
Prevod i pogovor - Marica Josimčević
Izdavač - Svjetlost, Sarajevo
Godina - 1988
382 strana
20 cm
Edicija - Biblioteka Feniks
ISBN - 86-01-01224-8
Povez - Tvrd
Stanje - Kao na slici, ima pečat prethodnog vlasnika, tekst bez podvlačenja
"Set in Peru during the 1950s, it is the story of an 18-year-old student who falls for a 32-year-old divorcee. The novel is based on the author's real life experience.
Mario, an aspiring writer, works at a radio station, Panamericana, writing news bulletins alongside the disaster-obsessed Pascual. Mario has an aunt (married to a biological uncle) whose sister, Julia, has just been divorced and has come to live with some of his family members. He frequently sees her and though at first they do not get on, they start to go to movies together and gradually become romantically involved, ultimately getting married.
Mario's bosses also run Panamericana's sister station, which broadcasts novelas (short-run soap operas). They are having problems buying the serials in bulk from Cuba, with batches of scripts being ruined and quality being poor, and so they hire an eccentric Bolivian scriptwriter named Pedro Camacho to write the serials.
The novel chronicles the scriptwriter's rise in popularity, and subsequent descent into madness, in tandem with the protagonist's affair. It alternates between Mario's account of his life and episodes of Camacho's serials, which become increasingly unhinged as the novel progresses."
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Mario Vargas Llosa Julia y el escribidor Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
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