Brief Answers to the Big Questions - Stephen Hawking

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Brief Answers to the Big Questions - Stephen Hawking

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

267 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Novi Beograd, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

Brief Answers to the Big Questions - Stephen Hawking

Na engleskom jeziku.
Izdavač: John Murray
Izdanje iz januara 2018.
Tvrde korice.
ISBN 9781473695986

Knjiga je odlično očuvana.
Nema tragova listanja.
Na drugom listu ima markerom ispisano B2 u gornjem desnom uglu, i na prvom listu ima nalepnicu (vidljivo na slici 3).

Naziv ove knjige na srpskom je:
Kratki odgovori na velika pitanja

The world-famous cosmologist and number one best-selling author of A Brief History of Time leaves us with his final thoughts on the universe's biggest questions in this brilliant posthumous work.

Is there a God? How did the universe begin? Will humanity survive on Earth? Is there intelligent life beyond our solar system? Could artificial intelligence ever outsmart us?

Throughout his extraordinary career, Stephen Hawking expanded our understanding of the universe and unravelled some of its greatest mysteries. But even as his theoretical work on black holes, imaginary time and multiple histories took his mind to the furthest reaches of space, Hawking always believed that science could also be used to fix the problems on our planet.

And now, as we face potentially catastrophic changes here on Earth - from climate change to dwindling natural resources to the threat of artificial superintelligence - Stephen Hawking turns his attention to the most urgent issues for humankind.

Wide-ranging, intellectually stimulating, passionately argued and infused with his characteristic humour, Brief Answers to the Big Questions, the final book from one of the greatest minds in history, is a personal view on the challenges we face as a human race and where we, as a planet, are heading next.


Hoking je otkrio neke od najvećih misterija u univerzumu. Duboko je verovao u nauku i njenu moć da reši mnoge probleme na Zemlji. Dok se suočavamo sa sa ogromnim izazovima poput kliomatskih promena, pretnji nuklearnim ratom, razvojem veštačke inteligencije, on svoju pažnju skreće upravo na najbitnija pitanja koja nas se tiču.

Da li će čovečanstvo preživeti?
Da li ćemo kolonizovati nove planete?
Da li postoji Bog?

Uz predgovor glumca koji je osvojio Oskara jer je sjajno predstavio Hokinga na velikom platnu, uvod profesora Kipa Torna i pogovor Hokingove kćerke, ovo je sjajna knjiga i neka vrsta poslednje poruke koju je fascinantan naučni um ostavio čovečanstvu.

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Post express, Pošta


Little_Cloud (208)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

267 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Novi Beograd, Grad Beograd, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 108321765