Elton John - Hercules! The A to Z (knjiga)

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Elton John - Hercules! The A to Z (knjiga)

Trenutna ponuda: 699 RSD

699 RSD minimum Dozvoljen je samo unos celih brojeva

3 dana, 2 sata 25.02.2025. u 19:36 0 ponuda

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

3.181 pozitivna ocena

Beograd-Voždovac, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Nekorišćeno

Tvrd povez.
Stranica 400.
Engleski jezik.

Comprising a vivid and varied series of miniature biographies, revealing profiles, thought-provoking essays and a multitude of previously unknown anecdotes and quotes, Hercules!: The A to Z of Elton John is the perfect compendium for the casual fan or devoted connoisseur, providing a funny, comprehensive and fully alphabetised overview of the star's life and music. Charting all the highs and lows, the major record releases and the significant tours, the strokes of genius and the bottoms of barrels, this insightful portrait will cover serious subjects such as Elton's battle with the media, his highly publicised addictions, his route to sobriety, his tangled love life and his struggles to come to terms with his sexuality, hair loss and temper. But, as Elton himself always does so well in the hundreds of interviews he has given over the past half-century, his stories will also be told frankly and humorously, his demons now conquered and his success unrelenting. And at the heart of this book is a joyride through one of the all-time greatest musical catalogues from a brilliant, versatile, glamorous and universally loved pop superstar.

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

3.181 pozitivna ocena

Beograd-Voždovac, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Predmet: 142156165