Holding Out or Giving in Susie Gilmour

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Holding Out or Giving in Susie Gilmour

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

1.255 pozitivnih ocena

Bečej, Južnobački okrug, Srbija

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  • Stanje Polovno

Holding Out or Giving in

Susie Gilmour
7 ratings0 reviews
Three years into her relationship with Alex, Jess is having It isn't love. It's lovely. Is that enough Opening a letter she wrote to herself ten years ago, she feels she hasn't achieved the ambitions she hoped to. What happened to her travels round the world, where is her successful career, and why isn't she married Should Stay in London and move in with AlexOrb) Split up with Alex and travel to AfricaYou, the reader, choose. But can destiny be decided Or is it already determined...
384 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

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atsushimukkun (360)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

1.255 pozitivnih ocena

Bečej, Južnobački okrug, Srbija

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