Premium Beer Drinker’s Guide (knjiga)

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Premium Beer Drinker’s Guide (knjiga)

Trenutna ponuda: 599 RSD

649 RSD minimum Dozvoljen je samo unos celih brojeva

2 dana, 20 sati 25.02.2025. u 19:40 1 ponuda

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

3.183 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Voždovac, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

Veoma dobro stanje.
Mek povez.
Stranica 224.
Engleski jezik.

The Premium Beer Drinker's Guide is a beer guide like no other. Focused purely upon the elite styles of the world of beer -- exotic and mysterious brews like Trappist Ale, Lambic Gueuze, Doppelbock, Imperial Stout and Barley Wine -- it introduces beer lovers to some of the most intense, complex, potent and remarkable brews on the market today. Never before has one book provided beer drinkers with so much useful information about the world of premium beer.

Premium Beer Drinker's Guide:

Reviews and recommends more than 60 international and domestic beers from Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, United States and Canada
Covers 31 beer styles, such as Lambic & Geuze, Weizenbock, Doppelbock, Cask-Flavored Ales, Abbey-Style Ales, Peated Malt Beers and Mulling Beers
Provides key ratings for every Classic Example: price, freshness and durability, and availability
Contains more than 80 full color illustrations, a beer glossary, a quick-reference guide with short descriptions and suggested foods that go well with that beer.
Premium Beer Drinker's Guide makes fascinating reading for anyone who enjoys the finer things of life. It is also an invaluable guide to shopping for beer and for serving these wonderful brews to friends.

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

3.183 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Voždovac, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Predmet: 142218149