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Tajni dnevnik Adrijana Mola, Sju Taunzend
Sue Townsend
Penguin books
Tinejdž klasik na engleskom jeziku.
Adrian Mole`s first love, Pandora, has left him; a neighbor, Mr. Lucas, appears to be seducing his mother (and what does that mean for his father?); the BBC refuses to publish his poetry; and his dog swallowed the tree off the Christmas cake. `Why` indeed.
Friday January 2nd
I felt rotten today. It`s my mother`s fault for singing `My Way` at two o`clock in the morning at the top of the stairs. Just my luck to have a mother like her. There is a chance my parents could be alcoholics. Next year I could be in a children`s home.
Meet Adrian Mole, a hapless teenager providing an unabashed, pimples-and-all glimpse into adolescent life as he writes candidly about the dog, his parents` marital troubles and life as a tortured poet and `misunderstood intellectual.`
Mek povez, 259 strana
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