Tangled Up in the Bible: Bob Dylan and Scripture

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Tangled Up in the Bible: Bob Dylan and Scripture

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

530 pozitivnih ocena

Zrenjanin, Srednjobanatski okrug, Srbija

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  • Stanje Nekorišćeno

Bob Dylan has had a profound influence on the shape of modern pop music (folk, rock, blues) and as a modern literary figure. He has also attracted enormous attention from both professional and amateur "interpreters".

In this book Gilmour offers a thorough study of Dylan's reading of scriptures. He explores the ways in which Dylan transforms biblical images and concepts when he incorporates them into his literary world; it is an attempt to listen to the echoes of scripture in his published works. Gilmour closely reads Dylan's poems and songs and provides commentaries on several themes found in Dylan's work: the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus; apocalypse, justice and judgement; oppressive religion and religious irony. Through these readings, Gilmour calls attention to the various ways Dylan uses scripture both in an explicit and an implicit manner.

Michael J. Gilmour (Author)

Engleski jezik.
Srećno ! :-)

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MilosSutovic (344)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

530 pozitivnih ocena

Zrenjanin, Srednjobanatski okrug, Srbija

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Predmet: 138090513