Teach English Adrian Doff

257 pregleda
2 želi ovaj predmet

Teach English Adrian Doff

Cena: 399 RSD

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Preko 15 miliona uspešnih kupovina




99,94% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

60.322 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Obrenovac, Grad Beograd, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca

Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

Cena knjige bitno smanjena
Povez .mek
Broj strana :286 +139
Stanje odlično
Teach English is a teacher training course that develops practical skills in the teaching of English as a second language. It can be used in a variety of situations: in-service courses for teachers working at the secondary school level or in language institutes, in pre-service training of secondary school teachers, and as part of a refresher course in practical methodology for more experienced teachers. It is especially designed to meet the needs of teachers whose first language is not English, who teach large classes in rigid classrooms with few resources, who follow a set of syllabus and textbook, who have little control over course content or material.

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), Ostalo (pre slanja), Pouzećem, Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Post express, Pošta

Lično preuzimanje Beograd , utorkom i četvrtkom
u neposrednoj blizini hrama Svetog Save od 8 h - 12 h i na adresi iz podataka
Za predmete većeg gabaritma ne odnosi se lično preuzimanje u Beogradu !


CezarM (14.467)

99,94% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

60.322 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Obrenovac, Grad Beograd, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 108723121