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Toward and anthropology of women, Rayna Reiter
Toward Anthropology of Women
by Rayna R. Reiter (Editor)
This anthology is considered one of the groundbreaking collections of feminist essays published in the 1970's, and includes works by authors such as Sally Slocum. The ideas expressed in this collection are heavily focused towards the development of universal explanations and helpful dichotomies. (less)
Paperback, 416 pages
Paper by R. Rohrlich-Leavitt, B. Sykes and E. Weatherford, Aboriginal woman; male and female perspectives - separately annotated.
Perspectives on the Evolution of Sex Differences
Male Bias in Anthropology
Toward an Anthropology of Women
Предња корица
Rayna R. Reiter, Rayna Rapp
Monthly Review Press, 1975 - 416 страница
0 Рецензије
Paper by R. Rohrlich-Leavitt, B. Sykes and E. Weatherford, Aboriginal woman; male and female perspectives - separately annotated.
Из књиге
Шта други кажу - Напишите рецензију
Нисмо пронашли ниједну рецензију на уобичајеним местима.
Сродне књиге
Testing Women, Testing the Fetus
Rayna R. Reiter, Rayna Rapp
Family Bonds and Gender Divisions
Bonnie Fox
Women's Work, Men's Property
Stephanie Coontz, Peta Henderson
Feminist Frameworks
Alison M. Jaggar, Paula S. Rothenberg
Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Caroline B. Brettell, Carolyn F. Sargent
Females, Males, Families
Lila Leibowitz
Gender and Kinship
Jane Fishburne Collier, Sylvia Junko Yanagisako
Sex, Gender, and Kinship
Burton Pasternak, Carol R. Ember, Melvin Ember
Gender and Anthropology
Frances E. Mascia-Lees, Nancy Johnson Black
Perspectives on the Evolution of Sex Differences
Male Bias in Anthropology
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Чести термини и фразе
activities adult agricultural animals anthropologists appears authority become behavior capital carrying child collective continue cultural defined dependent described discussion division domestic dominance early economic Engels equal evidence example exchange existence fact female force functions gathering girl give given hand household human hunters hunting husband important individual involved Iroquois kind kinship Kung labor land leave less live male marriage married mate matriarchy means mother move nature oppression organization original participation particular pattern peasant period political position production questions relations relationship relatives responsibility role rules seems sexual sisters skills social societies species status structure suggests theory tion unit usually village wife wives woman women young
tags: žene, žensko, ženski, antopologija ženskog, feminizam i feministička analiza, feminističke teorije teorija feminizma, istorija feminizma, matrijarhat
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