Kapitalizam i teorija, Majkl Kidron

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Kapitalizam i teorija, Majkl Kidron

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

55.127 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

Vrlo dobro očuvano
Аутор - особа Kidron, Michael
Наслов Capitalism and theory / Michael Kidron
Врста грађе књига
Језик енглески
Година 1974
Издавање и производња London : Pluto Press, 1974
Физички опис 187 str. ; 19 cm
ISBN (Broš.)
Напомене Registar.
tags, manedlova ekonomia, ernest mandel,
Предметне одреднице Marksizam
Неконтролисане предметне одреднице Marxism
УДК 316.26 : 316.323.64 : 330.342.143
COBISS.SR-ID 512087383
An inspiring speaker and brilliantly sophisticated theorist, Michael Kidron was a leading figure in the International Socialist tradition from the 1950s until his death in 2003. Never satisfied with merely restating the assumed tenets of Marxism, Kidron insisted that theory must evolve alongside a changing world &mdash an iconoclastic orientation which led him to clash with others on the left, including the British Communist Party and, later, the Socialist Workers Party itself under the leadership of Kidron's long-time comrade Tony Cliff. This undoctrinaire commitment to theoretical openness was also evident in Kidron's period as an editor with Pluto Books in the 1970s and 1980s, when the publisher became a crucial forum for developing socialist ideas and bringing them to a wider audience.

Selected Writings collects a number of Kidron's most important essays: 'Reform and Revolution' offers a critique of post-war social democracy, written several decades before its collapse into neoliberalism; 'The Permanent Arms Economy' succinctly lays out what is perhaps Kidron's best-known theoretical contribution; 'Black Reformism' both provides an analysis of the imperialism of Kidron's day, and attacks the then-common assumption that Third World revolutions opened a road to world socialism. In recognition of Kidron's commitment to constantly re-examining theory, this volume also includes his 1977 essay 'Two Insights Don't Make a Theory', in which he criticises and updates his own earlier work in light of historical developments.

Edited and introduced by Richard Kuper, who worked alongside Kidron at Pluto, this volume is the best introduction to one of the most original Marxist thinkers of recent times.

Part of the International Socialism Series series

"Of course the revival of a ‘new’ Marxism has been ongoing almost from the start. Michael Kidron was one of the finest practitioners of such thinking, and his wide-ranging writing is now collected together in a new volume Capitalism and Theory."
—Philosophy Football

"Running through Kidron’s work was his belief that socialism was based on working class people liberating themselves and running society; and that socialists had to look for the points where struggle could be stoked and encouraged."
—Socialist Review

"It is timely, given the present-day marginalisation of the far left in the UK, that Haymarket Books has published some of Mike Kidron’s more illuminating essays and contributions to debates dating from a period when the far left was represented by the stark choices of Stalinism, left reformism or ‘orthodox’ Trotskyism." ."

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Pošta

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

55.127 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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