...Vol 32: Socialist Register 1996: Are There Alternatives?
Published: 1996-01-01
Socialist Register 1996 Preface
Leo Panitch
The British Labour Party's Transition from Socialism to Capitalism
Colin Leys
Developing Resistance and Resisting 'Development': Reflections from the South African Struggle
Patrick Bond, Mzwanele Mayekiso
The Use and Abuse of Japan as a Progressive Model
Paul Burkett, Martin Hart-Landsberg
A Kinder Road to Hell? Labor and the Politics of Progressive Competitiveness in Australia
John Wiseman
In Defence of Capital Controls
James Crotty, Gerald Epstein
The Challenge for Trade Unionism: Sectoral Change, 'Poor Work' and Organising the Unorganised
Anna Pollert
The Tower of Infobabel: Cyberspace as Alternative Universe
Reg Whitaker
'Sack the Spooks': Do We Need an Internal Security Apparatus?
Peter Gill
Sport, Gender and Politics: Moving Beyond the O.J. Saga
Varda Burstyn
Socialist Hope in an Age of Catastrophe
Norman Geras
Are There Left Alternatives? A Debate from Latin America
Carlos M. Vilas
Socialists, Social Movements and the Labour Party: A Reply to Hilary Wainwright
Barry Winter
Building New Parties for a Different Kind of Socialism: A Response
Hilary Wainwright