Information technology for Management

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Information technology for Management

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54.458 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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  • Stanje Polovno

IT informacione tehnologije u menadžmentu
Cover ImageWelcome to the Instructor Companion Site for
Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, 5th Edition
Welcome to the Web site for Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, Fifth Edition by Efraim Turban, Dorothy Leidner, Ephraim McLean and James Wetherbe. This Web site gives you access to the rich tools and resources available for this text. You can access these resources in two ways:
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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Strategic Use of Information Technology in the Digital EconomyLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 2: Information Technologies: Concepts and ManagementLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 3: Network Computing, Discovery, Communication, and CollaborationLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 4: E-Business and E-commerceLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsEthics Scenarios for Discussion(the Word Viewer has been retired)International Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 5: Mobile, Wireless, and Pervasive Computing EnvironmentsLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsEthics Scenarios for Discussion(the Word Viewer has been retired)International Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 6: Transaction Processing, Functional Applications, CRM, and IntegrationLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 7: Enterprise SystemsLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 8: Global Interorganizational SystemsLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 9: Knowledge ManagementLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 10: Data ManagementLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 11: Decision Support and Intelligent SystemsLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsEthics Scenarios for Discussion(the Word Viewer has been retired)International Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 12: Using IT to Achieve Competitive AdvantageLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Chapter 13: Information Technology EconomicsLecture Slides in PowerPoint(the PowerPoint Viewer has been retired)Virtual CompanyVirtual Company QuestionsInternational Ethics CasesAdditional Text MaterialsInstructor's Manual(the Word Viewer has been retired)Test Bank(the Word Viewer has been retired)Computerized Test Bank(self-extracting file)Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company(the Word Viewer has been retired)Interactive Learning SessionsAnswers to Case Questions(the Word Viewer has been retired)Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course(the Word Viewer has been retired)Business SimulationsBusiness Simulations Instructors Manual(the Word

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

54.458 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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