A Distant Accord (Russian-Serbian Links in the Fields of Science, Humanities and Education: the 19th - the first half of the 20th century, «Лицеум» бр. 13 (2010)
Editors: Aleksandar Petrovic, Ph.D. and academician Eduard I. Kolcinsky
ISBN 978-86-81037-26-3
rusko srpske veze u oblastima nauke, obrazovanja i društvenih nauka
A Distant Accord: Russian-Serbian Links in the Fields of Science, Humanities and Education:
the 19th - the first half of the 20th century
Editors: Aleksandar Petrovic, Ph.D. and academician Eduard I. Kolcinsky
Library Liceum, volume 13
Broširan povez, 197 strana, ilustrovano, odlično očuvana.
srpsko -- ruske veze, srbija, rusija, odnosi srbije i rusije, antropologija rusko-srpskih odnosa, ruska akademija nauka,