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6 vekova ženske književnosti ENG

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

51.497 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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  • Stanje Polovno

By a Woman Writt - Literature from Six Centuries by and about Women, Joan GOulianos
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My History
By a Woman Writt: Literature from Six Centuries by and about Women
Front Cover
Joan Susan Goulianos
New English Library, 1974 - 379 pages
There exist a literature by women that goes back to the Middle Ages. A literature that is exciting, important and different from men's. 'by Woman Writt' the first collection to bring together the works of women writers from so many different eras and to present the variety of forms in which women wrote. Not only novels, poems, and stories are included, but also autobiographies, diaries, letters, protests. Contains Aphra Behn, Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman, Anais Nin and Muriel Rukeyser.

Table of Contents:

Margery Kempe
Jane Anger
Alice Thornton
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea
Aphra Behn
Mary Manley
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Shelley
Harriet Martineau
Olive Schreiner
Kate Chopin
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
Dorothy Richardson
Anaïs Nin
Dilys Laing
Margaret Walker
Sylvia Ashton-Warner
Muriel Rukeyser.

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RASPRODAJA KNJIGA PO POČETNOJ CENI OD 10 din!!! Naći ćete ih tako što kliknete na sve moje predmete, pa u meniju način kupovine SELEKTUJTE KVADRATIĆ AUKCIJA, i prikazaće Vam se svi predmeti sa početnom cenom od 10din.

Dodatno kada Vam se otvore aukcije kliknite na SORTIRAJ PO, pa izaberite ISTEKU NAJSKORIJE, i dobićete listu aukcija sa početnom od 10 dinara, po vremenu isteka.

Zbog perioda praznika vreme za realizovanje kupoprodaje može da se produži na do 20 dana.


tasicmarko (9.939)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

51.497 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 135841173