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10.161 pozitivna ocena

Beograd-Stari grad, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno


BECAUSE THEY COULD - The Harvard-Russia Scandal (and NATO Expansion) Affter Twenty-Five Years

Izdavač - ???

Godina - ???

290 strana

20 cm

ISBN - 9781718946507

Povez - Broširan

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

Table of Contents

1. The Thing's a Mess July 7, 2002
2. Shleifer to Leave Harvard? January 12, 2003
3. A High-Stakes Mediation that Failed January 26, 2003
4. Judge Finds Against Shleifer, Hay and Harvard July 4, 2004
5. A Walk on the Beach September 5, 2004
6. Meet the Siloviki September 12, 2004
7. The "Assigned To" Trial November 5, 2004
8. "A Narrow and Technical Issue" November 12, 2004
9. Who Is Minding the Store? January 16, 2005
10. A Theory of the Harvard Mess March 27, 2005
11. A Bigfoot Enters the Harvard Story May 15, 2005
12. Adult on Board May 29, 2005
13. Andrei and the Baseball Star August 7, 2005
14. Who Wants to Know? (Or, Why Economic Principals Is Not a Blog) August 14, 2005
15. The Tick-Tock January 22, 2006
16. When the Watchdog Doesn't Bark January 29, 2006
17. Those Three Weeks in March February 26, 2006
18. In Which, At Last, We Meet, Perhaps, Andrei Shleifer's Evil Twin April 16, 2006
19. The Light Gray Curse November 5, 2006
20. When the Attorney General Was a Mensch March 25, 2007
21. The Un-Marshall Plan April 29, 2007
22. Climate Change? February 24, 2008
23. A Normal Professor June 1, 2008
24. Is Physiognomy Destiny? March 22, 2009
25. The Asterisk February 27, 2011
26. Larry Swings for the Fences Again July 28, 2013
27. Summers: A (Mildly) Exculpatory Note August 25, 2013
28. Toward a Climax September 15, 2013
29. The End of the Saga September 22, 2013

30. Meet John Keffer

31. Two Roads Diverged
32. The Generation of '91
33. Toward a New History of Russia
34. Sympathy for the Devil
35. The Accidental President
36. The Broken Promise
Appendix I: Andrei Shleifer's Letter to Provost Albert Carnesale
Appendix II: The Steyer Memo

"The Harvard Russia scandal of the 1990s was a turning point in the years after the Cold War ended. But it never achieved a satisfying resolution, despite its extensive trail of litigation. When the US Justice Department charged a prominent Harvard professor, his wife, his deputy, and this deputy’s girlfriend with financial misconduct in Russia while leading a team of experts advising the government of Boris Yeltsin on behalf of the United States, Harvard defended itself and its professor to the hilt. The university lost – was all but laughed out of court by a jury. It returned to the government most of the money it had been paid.It turns out there was a second lawsuit, one whose resolution Harvard attorneys were able to settle and seal. They silenced the American businessman at the heart of the case with a non-disclosure agreement, insuring that what really happened in Moscow would be less well understood. The Harvard-Russia scandal was never about Russia. It was always a story about the United States, its ethical standards and everyday concepts of fair play.Alas, the Harvard venture was the least of the folly in those years. After 1992, the US built out its military alliance to the borders of Russia, over Moscow’s increasingly vehement objections. I have called my story Because They Could because that is the essence of both the Harvard scandal and the story of NATO enlargement. At every juncture, the principals took advantage of their privileged positions, and, when brought to account, employed the strategy summarized up by the famous adage, ascribed variously to Henry Ford II, Nellie McClung, and Benjamin Jowett: “Never apologize, never explain, get the thing done and let them howl.” The Clinton team were pioneers in this strategy, and used it sparingly. With Donald Trump it has become the spirit of the age."

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