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Marxian Socialism in the United States
Daniel Bell
Cornell University Press, 1996 - 222 страница
First published in 1952 then out of print in recent years, this classic account of the American Left is once again available. In his introduction to the Cornell paperback edition, Michael Kazin reevaluates the book, viewing it in the context of subsequent work on the subject and of the recent history of the Left itself.
Ključne reči: Marksizam, socijalizam, utopija, puritanizam, zlatno doba američkog socijalizma, opadanje i propast socijalizma u USA /SAD, Kaligari, politička partija, de leon, gompers, debs i thomas,
The Dream and the Reality
The Mirage of Utopia
1886The First Divide
Purist and Pureandsimple
Fission Fusion and Faction
The Golden Age of American Socialism
The Inner World of American Socialism
The Decline and Fall of American Socialism
TheCaligari World of Underground Communism
The Playboys of the Western World
In Dubious Battles
The Days of Sere and Yellow Leaf
The Wrong QuestionThe Right Answer
Bibliographical Essay
Ауторска права
The Melancholy Intermezzo
Чести термини и фразе
American Communism American Federation American Labor American socialism American Socialist American Socialist Party anarchist became Bolshevik bourgeois Browder called campaign capitalism capitalist Chicago Comintern Communist Party convention Daniel Bell Daniel De Leon Debs declared delegates democracy Democratic Party Earl Browder economic editor elected Eugene farmers fascism Federation of Labor George German Gitlow Gompers Haywood historian ideological industrial influence intellectual issue Jewish John Knights of Labor labor movement later leaders leadership League left wing Lenin Leon Marx Marxist mass membership ment Militants Morris Hillquit Moscow munist national executive committee Non-Partisan League Norman Thomas op.cit organization party's political action populist proletarian radical reform revolution revolutionary Roosevelt Russian Ruthenberg Social Democratic Socialist Labor Party socialist movement Socialist Party society Sombart sought Soviet split strike tactic theory tion trade union Trotsky Trotskyites United utopian Victor Berger vote Workers Party working-class wrote York
Популарни одломци
Страница xxxvii - In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.
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Страница 8 - The socialist program is not a theory imposed upon society for its acceptance or rejection. It is but the interpretation of what is, sooner or later, inevitable. Capitalism is already struggling to its destruction.
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О аутору (1996)
Daniel Bell is Scholar in Residence at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Harvard University. Michael Kazin is Professor of History at American University and coeditor of Dissent. His many books include War Against War, American Dreamers, and A Godly Hero.
Библиографски подаци
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Наслов Marxian Socialism in the United States
Cornell paperbacks, ISSN 2574-707X
Издање 4 књиге Princeton studies in American civilization
Аутор Daniel Bell
Сарадник Michael Kazin
Издање поново одштампано издање, ревидирано
Издавач Cornell University Press, 1996
ISBN 0801483093, 9780801483097
Дужина 222 страница