Nationalities Papers - The Journal of Nationalism

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Nationalities Papers - The Journal of Nationalism


Datum završetka: 13.02.2025. u 23:13

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

487 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Vračar, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity
Volume 39, 2011 - Issue 5

Doing more with less: the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Turkish elections, and the uncertain future of Turkish politics
Kristin Fabbe
Russian Orthodox concordat? Church and state under Medvedev
Irina Papkova
Dual citizenship and sovereignty
Szabolcs Pogonyi
Representations of the past in the Estonian Russian-language press: “own” or diaspora memory?
Triin Vihalemm, Valeria Jakobson
Select Multiculturalism, memory, and ritualization: Ukrainian nationalist monuments in Edmonton, Alberta
Multiculturalism, memory, and ritualization: Ukrainian nationalist monuments in Edmonton, Alberta
Per A. Rudling
Select Silesian in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: a language caught in the net of conflicting nationalisms, politics, and identities
Silesian in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: a language caught in the net of conflicting nationalisms, politics, and identities
Tomasz Kamusella
Exit Yugoslavia: longing for mononational states or entrepreneurial manipulation?
Rudi Klanjšek, Sergej Flere
Transnational minorities challenging the interstate system: Mingrelians, Armenians, and Muslims in and around Abkhazia
Kimitaka Matsuzato
Serbia`s transition: towards a better future, by Milica Uvalic
Jan Svejnar
Afghanistan: a cultural and political history, by Thomas Barfield
Noah Coburn
The idea of Galicia: history and fantasy in Habsburg political culture, by Larry Wolff
Patrice M. Dabrowsk
Russian nationalism and the national reassertion of Russia, edited by Marlène Laruelle
Vera Nikolski
Russian orientalism: Asia in the Russian mind from Peter the Great to the emigration, by David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye
David Rainbow
Sounds of the borderland: popular music, war and nationalism in Croatia since 1991, by Catherine Baker
Sabrina P. Ramet
Muslim lives in eastern Europe: gender, ethnicity, and the transformation of Islam in postsocialist Bulgaria, by Kristen Ghodsee
Boyka Stefanova
Courting democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Hague Tribunal`s impact in a postwar state, by Lara Nettelfield
Safia Swimelar
Conflict and memory: bridging past and future in [south east] Europe, edited by Wolfgang Petritsch and Vedran Džihić,
Tamara Pavasovic Trost
Contested lands: Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Cyprus, and Sri Lanka, by Sumantra Bose
Eric D. Weitz

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Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), PostNet (pre slanja), Pouzećem, Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Post express, Pošta


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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

487 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Vračar, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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