BIBLIJA SAMOPOUZDANjA Looking Out for #1 Robert Ringer

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BIBLIJA SAMOPOUZDANjA Looking Out for #1 Robert Ringer

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

6.635 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Zemun, Grad Beograd, Srbija

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  • Stanje Kolekcionarski primerak

Looking Out for #1
Robert J. Ringer
meki povez
351 strana
18 cm

knjiga je na engleskom jeziku

GLAVNA IDEJA knjigeTRAŽITI BROJ 1 je svestan, racionalan napor da se što više vremena provede radeći one stvari koje donose najveće zadovoljstvo i manje vremena radeći ono što uzrokuje bol.

In page after page of this self-confidence and life-enhancing bible, bestselling author Robert Ringer guides you on the most exciting and rewarding journey of your life. This #1 bestseller will clearly demonstrate how to get from where you are now to where you want to be--with friends, lovers, finances, and all other areas of your personal world.

One of the top 10 bestselling motivational books of all time.-The New York Times! Read Looking Out for #1 and join the millions of people in all walks of life who have discovered the true path to purpose, prosperity, and peace of mind by tapping into Robert Ringer’s treasure chest of profound knowledge and wisdom.

In this timeless classic, Robert Ringer, “the mentor to mentors,” guides you on the most exciting and rewarding journey of your life with his life-changing ideas, strategies, and insights. Whether it be your business or personal life, Ringer helps you understand the realities of how the world really works as opposed to how others might like you to believe it works so they can use you to get what they want.

Most important, this legendary author writes from the vantage point of someone who has been in the tribulation trenches and not only survived, but prospered. And in his trademark, satirical style, he does it in a way that is not only practical, but both entertaining and easy to understand.

Simply put, there has never been a single source of workable wisdom to equal that contained in Looking Out for #1. And because human nature and universal laws never change, Robert Ringer’s philosophy is as relevant today as it was when this landmark book was first published.

“I would like to clearly define it at the outset: Looking out for number one is the conscious effort to make rational decisions that lead to the greatest amount of happiness over the long term, so long as the actions stemming from those decisions do not involve the use of force or fraud against anyone else. In simpler terms, looking out for number one begins with the belief that you have a moral right to take actions aimed at giving you the greatest amount of pleasure and least amount of pain, provided your actions do not violate the rights of others.”


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Šaljem isključivo nakon uplate na račun i nakon potvrde sa Vaše strane na koju adresu se šalje.
LIČNO PREUZIMANJE je moguće u ZEMUNU na mojoj adresi - naselje Plavi Horizonti.
Trudim se da sve slike koje postavljam budu jasne i u velikoj rezoluciji da biste vidjeli šta kupujete.
Troškove slanja snosi kupac.
Vaše podatke napišite pravilno i koristite sva slova, NE ŠIŠAJTE latinicu, jer u slučaju da ne možete da preuzmete predmet kupovine zbog toga, ne snosim nikakvu odgovornost.
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LUKA.LABAN (1.570)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

6.635 pozitivnih ocena

Beograd-Zemun, Grad Beograd, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
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