Psiha i duh u feminističkoj terapiji, Kašak ENG

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Psiha i duh u feminističkoj terapiji, Kašak ENG

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

54.889 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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  • Stanje Polovno

The Invisible Alliance - Psyche and Spirit in Feminist Therapy, Ellyn Kaschak
xplore the relationship between psychology and spirituality from a feminist perspective!

From the editor: “There are forces in the universe about which we know nothing and can learn nothing through empiricism and material means. Such forces can be invoked in the process of therapy to assist in healing, to deepen experience, and to free us from the confining limits of the human mind. This is a book about the spiritual within each of us and about spirituality as it extends beyond any of us to embrace all of us. It deals with inspiration and passion, sorrow and loss, meaning and depth. It focuses upon the relationship between matters of spirit and of psychology, leading to new treatments within the parameters of psychotherapy that extend its vision far beyond the treatment of affliction.”

The Invisible Alliance: Psyche and Spirit in Feminist Therapy provides you with a comprehensive review of multiculturalism and its relationship with feminism and spirituality and explores:

ways to incorporate Jewish principles and beliefs into feminist therapy
the application of religious sources of passion and perspective to parenting and working with children
ways to combine Christian and Wiccan philosophies in therapy
a provocative approach for integrating Christian biblical teachings into feminist therapy for survivors of sexual abuse
ways that Buddhist ideas can enrich the understanding of the self and identity
a case study of ancient healing traditions used by Latinas
criteria for therapists to use in deciding whether to work with clients dealing with spiritual/religious issues or refer them to someone more appropriate
a way to use the power of ritual to heal and give more meaning to important life transitions

Preface: The Invisible Alliance: Spiritual and Psychological Practice Reunited
Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Spirituality: Convergent and Divergent Forces in Psychotherapy
DeAlmas Latinas (The Souls of Latina Women): A Psychospiritual Culturally Relevant Group Process
Together We Build a Mishkan: Integrating Jewish Spirituality into Feminist Social Work Practice
Kabbalah as Sacred Psychology
Riding the Currents: Sources of Balance and Nurturance for a Parenting Child Therapist
Two, Not Two: A View of the S(s)elf from a Buddhist and Feminist Perspective
Self-in-Relation Theory and Women’s Religious Identity in Therapy
Where Was God? Utilizing Spirituality with Christian Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Spirituality in the Therapy Process
Sandplay and Women’s Spirituality
A Spiritual Coming Out: The Use of Ritual in a Psychotherapy Practice
Letting Nature Take Its Course
Reference Notes Included

` ... a unique contribution to black feminist debate and a demonstration of the strengths of feminist theory grounded in experience.' - - Sheila Rowbotham, World Institue for Development Economics Research
Tags: feminizam, feminism theory / theories, feminističke teorije, istorija feminizma, feminizam u praksi, teorija teorije roda, Vrste feminizma, poreklo i razvoj feminizma, Koncepti Šta je feminizam? - Katrine Holst, Dekolonijalni feminizam - Francoise Verges, FURAM FEMINIZAM - Lamija Begagić, Marina Veličković, Ana Pejović
NEKO JE REKAO FEMINIZAM / ADRIANA ZAHARIJEVIĆ, Feminizam za početnike - Sandra Silađev Dinja, Feminizam Teorija i praksa - Darko Vesić, SOCIOLOGIJA I FEMINIZAM - Žarana Papić, Savremeni feminizam/Slobodanka Nedovic, Nevolje s rodom Džudit Batler - RAŠČINJAVANJE RODA sa, Dr Julka Chlapec Đorđević STUDIJE I ESEJI O FEMINIZMU, OSLOBOĐENJE ŽENA - feministički tekstovi 1964-1975
Pokret Teorija
Filmska teorija Ekonomija
Feministička seksologija
Ženska prava
Ženska historija
Feministička historija
Historija feminizma
Pravo glasa
Žensko pravo glasa
Kronologija Sufražetkinja
Novi Zeland U.K. SAD
Valovi feminizma
Prvi Drugi Treći
Treći svijet

Feminizam je ideološki prilično raznorodan pokret, s brojnim, često suprostavljenim, strujama koje su ponekad pod utjecajem drugih ideologija, a ponekad pod utjecajem specifičnih društveno-ekonomskih prilika u kojima žive žene u nekom dijelu svijeta.
Uglavnom se razlikuju sljedeći tipovi:
• Liberalni feminizam
• Radikalni feminizam
• Socijalistički feminizam
• Ekofeminizam
• Individualistički feminizam

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja)
  • Slanje Pošta

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tasicmarko (10.268)

99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

54.889 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 134867337