Savremena feministička misao, Ajzenštajn

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Savremena feministička misao, Ajzenštajn

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

54.889 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

Contemporary feminist Thought
Hester Eisenstein
G.K. Hall, 1983 - 196 pages
"This book is a history and critique of contemporary feminist thought, principally in the United States, from 1970 to the present. The focus is chiefly although not exclusively on the ideas of radical feminism, as expressed in the work of Kate Millett and Shulamith Firestone, and on the elaboration of these ideas in the writings of Adrienne Rich, Nancy Chodorow, and Mary Daly, among others. The book is organized into three parts. Part I considers those writers who, building on the foundations laid down by Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan, established the framework for the renewed discussion of feminism in the 1970s. In this phase of the debate, the socially constructed differences between the sexes were judged to be the chief source of female oppression ... Part II of the book traces the development of a second phase of contemporary feminist theory, namely, the rejection of androgyny and the adoption of a woman-centered perspective. The sex-roles analysis of the early 1970s was taken up and given wide circulation in the media and the academy, and had evoked a widespread but selective response in many quarters ... Part III of the book argues that, in some recent feminist theory, the woman-centered analysis has brought radical feminism to a theoretical and practical impasse. By shifting from a focus on sex roles and androgyny to a woman-centered perspective, Rich, Chodorow, and others were able to extend and to deepen the analysis of the social construction of gender initiated by Millett and Firestone. But in the subsequent development of this line of argument in the work of Mary Daly, Susan Griffin, and others, some of these original insights have been lost."--Introduction (p.xi -xii.)
Common terms and phrases
Adrienne Rich Alix Kates Shulman androgyny argued autonomy Back the Night Beauvoir biological Books Boston Brownmiller Capitalist Patriarchy chapter Chodorow concept consciousness-raising critique Daly's Dinnerstein Dworkin economic edited Eisenstein and Jardine experience feminine feminist analysis Feminist Studies feminist theory feminist thought Friedan fundamental Future of Difference gender identity Griffin Gyn/Ecology heterosexuality human ideology Janeway Jean Baker Miller Kate Millett Keller labor Lederer Left lesbian male and female male domination Marxism Mary Daly masculine means Millett mother motherhood Nancy organization Ortner patriarchy pornography psychological racism radical feminism radical feminist rape relation reproduction Robin Morgan Rosaldo Sadomasochism second wave sense sex roles sex-role Sexual Politics Shulamith Firestone social Socialist Review society struggle Susan Susan Brownmiller Susan Griffin theoretical tion tradition violence woman-centered analysis woman-centered perspective Women and Revolution Women's Liberation women's movement writing wrote York sadomazohizam
` ... a unique contribution to black feminist debate and a demonstration of the strengths of feminist theory grounded in experience.' - - Sheila Rowbotham, World Institue for Development Economics Research
Tags: feminizam, feminism theory / theories, feminističke teorije, istorija feminizma, feminizam u praksi, teorija teorije roda, Vrste feminizma, poreklo i razvoj feminizma, Koncepti Šta je feminizam? - Katrine Holst, Dekolonijalni feminizam - Francoise Verges, FURAM FEMINIZAM - Lamija Begagić, Marina Veličković, Ana Pejović
NEKO JE REKAO FEMINIZAM / ADRIANA ZAHARIJEVIĆ, Feminizam za početnike - Sandra Silađev Dinja, Feminizam Teorija i praksa - Darko Vesić, SOCIOLOGIJA I FEMINIZAM - Žarana Papić, Savremeni feminizam/Slobodanka Nedovic, Nevolje s rodom Džudit Batler - RAŠČINJAVANJE RODA sa, Dr Julka Chlapec Đorđević STUDIJE I ESEJI O FEMINIZMU, OSLOBOĐENJE ŽENA - feministički tekstovi 1964-1975
Pokret Teorija
Filmska teorija Ekonomija
Feministička seksologija
Ženska prava
Ženska historija
Feministička historija
Historija feminizma
Pravo glasa
Žensko pravo glasa
Kronologija Sufražetkinja
Novi Zeland U.K. SAD
Valovi feminizma
Prvi Drugi Treći
Treći svijet
silovanje majčinstvo polni identitet

Feminizam je ideološki prilično raznorodan pokret, s brojnim, često suprostavljenim, strujama koje su ponekad pod utjecajem drugih ideologija, a ponekad pod utjecajem specifičnih društveno-ekonomskih prilika u kojima žive žene u nekom dijelu svijeta.
Uglavnom se razlikuju sljedeći tipovi:
• Liberalni feminizam
• Radikalni feminizam
• Socijalistički feminizam
• Ekofeminizam
• Individualistički feminizam

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja)
  • Slanje Pošta

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tasicmarko (10.268)

99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

54.889 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 134867609