Form, space, and vision: Discovering design through drawing
autor Graham Collier
Prentice, 1964
trece izdanje
tvrdi povez sa zastitnim omotom
256 strana, ilustrovana
format 28 x 21,5 cm
Knjiga je na ENGLESKOM jeziku!
Knjiga je lepo očuvana, sa jednom manom, zastitni omot na poledjini je pocepan i nedostaje jedan komadic. Unutrasnjost perfektna.
This is a classic for art instructions. Have not found anything better than this book. All aspect are covered, line, form, composition, values, and how to develop artistic appreciation and skills. A must for beginners, advanced students of art and art lovers.
Excellent textbook on the application of design basics and composition in the visual arts.
2 dana za kontakt, 7 dana za uplatu.