Städelsches Kunstinstitut

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Städelsches Kunstinstitut

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

55.711 pozitivna ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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  • Stanje Polovno

Je Stadel , zvanično Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie , je umjetnost muzej u Frankfurtu , a jedan od najznačajnijih zbirki u Nemačkoj . Muzej Städel posjeduje 3.100 slika, 660 skulptura, više od 4.600 fotografija i više od 100.000 crteža i grafika. Ima oko 4.000 m 2 izložbenog prostora i biblioteku od 115.000 knjiga.

Njemačko udruženje umjetničkih kritičara AICA je 2012. godine proglasilo Städel kao „Muzej godine 2012.“. Iste godine muzej je zabilježio najveću posjećenost u svojoj povijesti, od 447.395 posjetitelja. [1] Godine 2020. muzej je imao 318.732 posjetitelja, što je 45 posto manje u odnosu na 2019. godinu, zbog pandemije COVID-19 . Zauzeo je 71. mjesto na listi najposjećenijih muzeja umjetnosti 2020. [2]

Städel je osnovan 1817. godine i jedan je od najstarijih muzeja u frankfurtskom Museumsuferu ili muzejskom nasipu. Osnivanje je uslijedilo nakon zavještanja frankfurtskog bankara i mecene Johanna Friedricha Städela [ de ] (1728–1816), koji je napustio svoju kuću, kolekciju umjetnina i bogatstvo sa zahtjevom u testamentu da se ustanovi institut. [3]

Godine 1878. nova zgrada, u stilu Gründerzeit , podignuta je u ulici Schaumainkai , danas glavnoj muzejskoj četvrti. Početkom 20. veka, galerija je bila među najistaknutijim nemačkim zbirkama klasične panevropske umetnosti; druge takve zbirke otvorene za javnost bile su Drezdenska galerija , Stara pinakoteka u Minhenu i Stari muzej u Berlinu.

Godine 1937. iz muzeja je zaplijenjeno 77 slika i 700 grafika kada su ih nacionalsocijalisti proglasili " degeneriranom umjetnošću ".

Godine 1939. zbirka je premještena iz Frankfurta kako bi se zaštitila od oštećenja u Drugom svjetskom ratu . Zbirka Muzeja Städel uklonjena je iz muzeja kako bi se izbjeglo uništenje od savezničkih bombardovanja, a zbirka je pohranjena u Schloss Rossbach , dvorcu u vlasništvu barona Thüngena u blizini Bad Brückenaua u Bavarskoj . Tamo je slike i biblioteku muzeja otkrio poručnik Thomas Carr Howe , USN, iz američkih spomenika, likovne umjetnosti i arhivaprogram. Iako barun von Thüngen i njegova supruga nisu sarađivali s Amerikancima, gospođa dr. Holzinger, licencirani liječnik i švicarska supruga direktora muzeja Städel, bila je prisutna na mjestu i pomogla je u katalogizaciji i prenošenju predmeta u Centralno sabirno mjesto u Minhenu . Poručnik Howe je rekao: „Prva prostorija koja je bila pregledana bila je biblioteka koja se nalazila pored dnevne sobe u kojoj smo čekali. Ovdje smo pronašli veliki broj odličnih francuskih impresionističkih slika, sve iz stalne zbirke Muzeja Städel, i značajan broj finih crteža starih majstora. Većina njih je također bila vlasništvo muzeja, ali nekoliko - sjećam se jedne sjajne Rembrandtove skice - izgleda da je došlo iz Švicarske. To bi, naravno, trebalo naknadno ispitati, da bi se utvrdilo njihovo tačno porijeklo i kako su dospjeli na posudbu muzeju. Ali za sada smo se prvenstveno bavili uslovima skladištenja i problemom bezbednosti. U drugoj prostoriji našli smo ogromnu zbirku knjiga, biblioteku jednog od frankfurtskih muzeja. U trećem smo naišli na niz srednjovjekovnih skulptura – sveci svih veličina i opisa, neki od rezbarenog drveta, drugi od kamena, obični ili polihromirani. I ove su bile muzejskog porijekla. Posljednja ostava bila je ispod zemlje, ogromna, pećinska odaja ispod kuće. Ovdje je bio red po red slika, naslaganih u dva nivoa niz sredinu sobe, a također i duž dvije strane. Od onoga što smo mogli napraviti od njih u slabom svjetlu, nisu bili visokog kvaliteta.Tokom ljetnih mjeseci bi im bilo dobro u podzemnoj prostoriji, ali smo mislili da će zimi biti jako vlažno. Frau Holzinger nas je uvjerila da je to tako i da slike treba ukloniti prije nego što nastupi loše vrijeme.”[4]
The Städel, officially the Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, is an art museum in Frankfurt, with one of the most important collections in Germany. The Städel Museum owns 3,100 paintings, 660 sculptures, more than 4,600 photographs and more than 100,000 drawings and prints.[2] It has around 4,000 m2 of display and a library of 115,000 books.[3]

The Städel was honoured as "Museum of the Year 2012" by the German art critics association AICA. In the same year the museum recorded the highest attendance figures in its history, of 447,395 visitors.[4] In 2020 the museum had 318,732 visitors, down 45 percent from 2019, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It ranked 71st on the list of most-visited art museums in 2020.[5]

1 History
1.1 World War II
1.2 Renovations
2 Digital expansion
3 Collection
4 Temporary exhibitions
5 Selected works
6 Gallery
7 Directors
8 See also
9 Literature
10 References
11 External links
[Interactive fullscreen map]
Städel is one of the Museums of the Museumsufer, Frankfurt am Main
South Bank
1 Icon Museum (de) (Museum of Orthodox sacred Art)
2 Portikus (Exhibition hall for contemporary art)
3 Museum Angewandte Kunst (Applied Arts)
4 Museum der Weltkulturen (Ethnological Museum)
5 Deutsches Filmmuseum (de) (German Film Museum)
6 German Architecture Museum
7 Museum für Kommunikation
8 Städel (Fine Arts Museum)
9 Liebieghaus (Classical sculpture collection)
10 Museum Giersch (Art and culture of Rhine-Main)
North Bank
11 Jewish Museum Frankfurt
12 Frankfurt Archaeological Museum (de)
13 Historical Museum, Frankfurt
14 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt (Art exhibition venue)
15 Museum für Moderne Kunst (Modern Art Museum)
16 Frankfurter Judengasse Museum (Preserved foundations from the Ghetto)
The Städel was founded in 1817,[6] and is one of the oldest museums in Frankfurt's Museumsufer, or museum embankment. The founding followed a bequest by the Frankfurt banker and art patron Johann Friedrich Städel (1728–1816), who left his house, art collection and fortune with the request in his will that the institute be set up.[7]

In 1878, a new building, in the Gründerzeit style, was erected on Schaumainkai street, presently the major museum district. By the start of the 20th century, the gallery was among the most prominent German collections of classic Pan-European art; the other such collections open to the public were the Dresden Gallery, the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, and the Altes Museum in Berlin.

World War II
In 1937, 77 paintings and 700 prints were confiscated from the museum when the National Socialists declared them "degenerate art".

In 1939, the collection was moved out of Frankfurt to protect it from damage in World War II. The collection of the Städel Museum was removed from the museum to avoid destruction from the Allied bombings, and the collection was stored in the Schloss Rossbach, a castle owned by the Baron Thüngen near Bad Brückenau in Bavaria. There, the museum's paintings and library were discovered by Lt. Thomas Carr Howe, USN, of the American Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives program. Although the Baron von Thüngen and his wife were uncooperative with the Americans, Frau Dr. Holzinger, a licensed physician and the Swiss wife of the Städel Museum director, was present at the site and assisted with the cataloging and the removal of the items to the Munich Central Collecting Point. Lt. Howe said, “The first room to be inspected was a library adjoining the sitting room in which we had been waiting. Here we found a quantity of excellent French Impressionist paintings, all from the permanent collection of the Städel Museum, and a considerable number of fine Old Master drawings. Most of these were likewise the property of the museum, but a few – I remember one superb Rembrandt sketch – appeared to have come from Switzerland. Those would, of course, have to be looked into later, to determine their exact origin and how they came to be on loan to the museum. But for the moment we were concerned primarily with storage conditions and the problem of security. In another room we found an enormous collection of books, the library of one of the Frankfurt museums. In a third we encountered an array of medieval sculpture – saints all sizes and description, some of carved wood, others of stone, plain or polychromed. These too, were of museum origin. The last storage room was below ground, a vast, cavernous chamber beneath the house. Here was row upon row of pictures, stacked in two tiers down the center of the room and also along two sides. From what we could make of them in the poor light, they were not of high quality. During the summer months they would be alright in the underground room, but we thought the place would be very damp in the winter. Frau Holzinger assured us that this was so and that the
Temporary exhibitions
Most visited exhibitions:[13]

"Making Van Gogh" 2019/2020 (505,750 visitors)
"Monet und die Geburt des Impressionismus" 2015 (432,121 visitors)
"Botticelli" 2009/2010 (367,033 visitors)
"Dürer. Kunst – Künstler – Kontext" 2013/2014 (258,577 visitors)
Selected works
Robert Campin, Flémalle Panels, ca. 1428–1430, mixed technique, 160.2 × 68.2 cm, 151.8 × 61 cm, 148.7 × 61 cm
Jan van Eyck, Lucca Madonna, ca. 1437, mixed technique, 66 x 50 cm
Fra Angelico, Madonna with Child and Twelve Angels, 1430–1433, tempera on panel, 37 x 27 cm
Rogier van der Weyden, Medici Madonna, c. 1460–1464, oil on panel, 61.7 x 46.1 cm
Master of the Frankfurt Paradiesgärtlein, Paradiesgärtlein, between 1400 und 1420, mixed technique on oak, 26 x 33 cm
Hieronymus Bosch, Ecce Homo, c. 1476, oil on panel, 75 x 61 cm
Sandro Botticelli, Portrait of a Young Woman, 1480–85, mixed technique on a poplar panel, 82 x 54 cm
Bartolomeo Veneto, Portrait of a Young Woman, between 1500 and 1530, mixed technique on a poplar panel, 44 x 34 cm
Rembrandt van Rijn, The Blinding of Samson, 1636, oil on canvas, 205 x 272 cm
Johannes Vermeer, The Geographer, 1668–1669, oil on canvas, 52 x 45.5 cm
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, Goethe in the Roman Campagna, 1787, oil on canvas, 164 x 206 cm
Edgar Degas, Musicians in the Orchestra [fr], 1872, oil on canvas, 69 x 49 cm
The museum also features works by the 20th-century German

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Pošta

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99,93% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

55.711 pozitivna ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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