The Little Book of Fantastic Four
autor Roy Thomas
Godina 2017
Povez Mek
Broj stranica 192 , ilustrovana
Težina 290 g
Format 17,8 × 12,7 x 2 cm
višejezično izdanje Engleski, Nemacki jezik
Luksuzna NOVA knjiga, U CELOFANU, slike koje sam postavio su preuzete sa interneta. Znaci slike prikazuju knjigu koju cete dobiti, ali ce vam stici u celofanu, potpuno nekoriscena!
Knjiga je višejezično izdanje , na ENGLESKOM i NEMACKOM jeziku!!!
Knjiga o najpopularnijem MARVELOVOM SF stipu iz `60 - tih godina.
Za vise informacija o Fantastic Four serijalu pogledati na YouTube, kucati u pretrazivac The Fantastic Four from Comic Book to Animated Series.
They debuted in Fantastic Four No. 1 in November 1961, and have gone on to be iconic not only as a team, but as individuals. Reed “Mister Fantastic” Richards, Sue “Invisible Girl” Storm, Johnny “Human Torch” Storm, and Ben “The Thing” Grimm are all iconic heroes, who love and fight with each other as only families can … and they take down otherworldly bad guys like Dr. Doom and Galactus in the process. More than 50 years, thousands of comics, four animated series and three feature films later, they remain one of the most enduring and exciting super-teams in pop culture. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Fantastic Four is your comprehensive guide to this famous foursome!
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