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Internacionalna astronomska mapa Charta Caelestis
This celestial map celebrated the 50th anniversary in 1978 of the standardisation of the 88 astronomical constellations. In 1928 the International Astronomical Union completed a project to establish a universally agreed list of constellations and their boundaries .
This work largely followed the form of an existing work, the ‘Uranometrίa Argentina’of 1877. This sky chart also includes diagrams depicting the Ptolemaic and Copernican views of our solar system.
The Ptolemaic ‘Earth-centred’system was proposed by Ptolemy and showed the Earth at the centre of the solar system with the Sun, Moon and planets in orbit around our world.
This model persisted for over 1,000 years until the Copernican model was accepted. The Copernican ‘heliocentric’model had the Sun at the centre of our solar system with the Earth being just one of the planets orbiting our star. Proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus it was eventually published in 1543 in his book De Revolutionibus .
This was revolutionary thinking for the time and with the Ptolemaic model still having strong support, it was some time before the Copernican model was accepted.
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