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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

1.660 pozitivnih ocena

Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Nekorišćeno


Žanr: Drama
Format: DVD
Poreklo: Strani

***************************NAGRADJENI FILMOVI 4 Filma - 4 DVD-a*********************

-------------------------- 01. ALI - Kinematografska nagrada MTV-a ----------------------

Али (енгл. Ali) је филм из 2001. године о боксеру Мухамеду Алију. Режисер филма је Мајкл Ман, а главне улоге играју: Вил Смит, Џон Војт, Џејми Фокс, Марио Ван Пиблс и Џејда Пинкет Смит.

Ali is a 2001 American biographical film directed by Michael Mann. The film tells the story of the boxer Muhammad Ali, played by Will Smith, from 1964 to 1974 featuring his capture of the heavyweight title from Sonny Liston, his conversion to Islam, criticism of the Vietnam War, banishment from boxing, his return to fight Joe Frazier in 1971, and, lastly, his reclaiming the title from George Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle fight of 1974. It also discusses the great social and political upheaval in the United States following the assassinations of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. during the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson.

Directed by Michael Mann
Produced by Michael Mann
Jon Peters
James Lassiter
Paul Ardaji
A. Kitman Ho
Screenplay by Michael Mann
Eric Roth
Stephen J. Rivele
Christopher Wilkinson
Story by Gregory Allen Howard
Starring Will Smith
Jamie Foxx
Jon Voight
Mario Van Peebles
Ron Silver
Jeffrey Wright
Mykelti Williamson
Music by Pieter Bourke
Lisa Gerrard
Cinematography Emmanuel Lubezki
Edited by William Goldenberg
Lynzee Klingman
Stephen E. Rivkin
Stuart Waks
Peters Entertainment
Forward Pass
Overbrook Films
Distributed by Columbia Pictures
Release dates December 25, 2001
Running time 157 minutes
Country United States
Language English

----------------------- 02. TRAFFIC - 4 OSKARA -----------------------
Путеви дроге (енгл. Traffic) је амерички филм режисера Стивена Содерберга 2000. године. Филм је адаптација британске ТВ серије Traffik. Добитник је Оскара за најбољу режију, монтажу, најбољи адаптирани сценарио и најбољу споредну мушку улогу.

Traffic is a 2000 American crime drama film directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Stephen Gaghan. It explores the illegal drug trade from a number of perspectives: a user, an enforcer, a politician and a trafficker. Their stories are edited together throughout the film, although some of the characters do not meet each other. The film is an adaptation of the British Channel 4 television series Traffik.

20th Century Fox, the original financiers of the film, demanded Harrison Ford play a leading role and that significant changes to the screenplay be made. Soderbergh refused and proposed the script to other major Hollywood studios, but it was rejected because of the three-hour running time and the subject matter — Traffic is more of a political film than most Hollywood productions. USA Films, however, liked the project from the start and offered the film-makers more money than Fox. Soderbergh operated the camera himself and adopted a distinctive cinematography tint for each story so that audiences could tell them apart.

Traffic was critically acclaimed and earned numerous awards, including four Oscars: Best Director for Steven Soderbergh, Best Supporting Actor for Benicio Del Toro, Best Adapted Screenplay for Stephen Gaghan and Best Film Editing for Stephen Mirrione. It was also a commercial success with a worldwide box-office revenue total of $207.5 million, well above its estimated $46 million budget.

In 2004, USA Network ran a miniseries—also called Traffic—based on the American film and the earlier British television series

Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Produced by Laura Bickford
Edward Zwick
Marshall Herskovitz
Screenplay by Stephen Gaghan
Based on Traffik
by Alastair Reid
Starring Don Cheadle
Benicio del Toro
Michael Douglas
Luis Guzmán
Dennis Quaid
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Music by Cliff Martinez
Cinematography Steven Soderbergh
Edited by Stephen Mirrione
Production company
Bedford Falls Productions
Compulsion Inc.
Initial Entertainment Group (IEG)
Splendid Medien AG
USA Films
Distributed by Universal Pictures
Running time 148 minutes
Country United States
Language English, Spanish

---------------------------- 03.BEFORE NIGHT FALLS - 3 Nagrade Festivala u Veneciji -------------------------

Before Night Falls je film iz 2000. godine. Scenario je zasnovan na istoimenoj autobiografiji kubanskog pesnika, Reinalda Arenasa. Film je režirao Julian Schnabel, koji je radio i na scenariju zajedno sa Cunningham O`Keefeom i Lázaro Gómez Carrilesom.

Ovo je drugi film Juliana Schnabela, snimljen posle filma Basquiat (1996). Film je imao svetsku premijeru na Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu, 2000. godine.

Film je dobio brojne nagrade i nominacije, između ostalog i nominaciju za Oscara za najbolju glavnu mušku ulogu.

Film nudi pogled na kubansko društvo posle revolucije, 1959. godine. Arenas (Javier Bardem), rođen kao nezakonito dete, svoje osećanje odbačenosti pokušava da izrazi kroz pisanje. Kada njegova majka prepoznaje talenat seli se u obližnji grad, gde Arenas prvi put otkriva privlačnost muškog tela. Sa revolucionarima dospeva u Havanu, koja nudi umetničku, društvenu i seksualnu slobodu ranog revolucionarnog perioda. Njegov biseksualni prijatelj, Pepe (Andrea Di Stefano) ga upoznaje sa krugom pisaca, uz čiju pomoć Arenas objavljuje svoj prvi roman u 23. godini. Sedamdesetih Castro počinje da zavodi svoju verziju komunizma, što, između ostalog, znači da muškarci moraju da budu kratko podšišani, pisci se smatraju neprijateljima, a gejevi se šalju na `re-edukaciju`. U početku uspeva da izbegne čistu, ali njegovi romani se više ne objavljuju na Kubi. Godine 1974. dvojica mladića mu ukradu odeću na plaži i kada ih on prijavi policiji, oni ga optužuju za zlostavljanje. Arenas uspeva da pobegne i neko vreme se krije, ali konačno je uhvaćen i zatvoren. U zatvoru on uspeva da piše i da prokrijumčari roman uz pomoć transvestite Bon Bon (Jonny Depp). Godine 1980. američki predsednik Jimmy Carter objavljuje da je SAD spremna da prihvati veći broj kubanskih izbeglica i Castro nudi izlaz kriminalcima, duševnim bolesnicima, gejevima i drugim `nepoželjnim` grupama. U New Yorku Arenas nastavlja da piše. Oboleo od AIDS-a, Arenas umire 1990. godine. U filmu je prikazano da ga je ugušio njegov partner, mada je njegova smrt zvanično zavedena kao samoubistvo.

Directed by Julian Schnabel
Produced by Jon Kilik
Screenplay by Cunningham O`Keefe
Lázaro Gómez Carriles
Julian Schnabel
Based on Before Night Falls
by Reynaldo Arenas
Starring Javier Bardem
Olivier Martinez
Johnny Depp
Héctor Babenco
Music by Carter Burwell
Cinematography Xavier Pérez Grobet
Guillermo Rosas
Edited by Michael Berenbaum
Production company El Mar Pictures, Grandview Pictures
Distributed by Fine Line Features
Release dates September 3, 2000 (Venice Film Festival)
Running time 133 minutes
Country United States
Language English, Spanish, Russian, French

-------------------------------- 04. MONSOON WEDDING - 2 Nagrade Festival u Veneciji ---------------------------

Monsoon Wedding is a 2001 film directed by Mira Nair and written by Sabrina Dhawan, which depicts romantic entanglements during a traditional Punjabi Hindu wedding in Delhi. Writer Sabrina Dhawan wrote the first draft of the screenplay in a week while she was at Columbia University`s MFA film program. Monsoon Wedding earned just above $30 million at the box office. Although it is set entirely in New Delhi, the film was an international co-production between companies in India, the United States, Italy, France, and Germany.

The film won the Golden Lion award and received a Golden Globe Award nomination. A musical based on the film is currently in development and is scheduled to premiere on Broadway in April 2014. The film was premiered in the Marché du Film section of the 2001 Cannes Film Festival.

Directed by Mira Nair
Produced by Caroline Baron
Mira Nair
Written by Sabrina Dhawan
Starring Naseeruddin Shah
Lillete Dubey
Shefali Shah
Vasundhara Das
Vijay Raaz
Tillotama Shome
Music by Mychael Danna
Cinematography Declan Quinn
Edited by Allyson C. Johnson
Mirabai Films
Distributed by USA Films
Release dates 30 August 2001
(première at Venice)
30 November 2001
Running time 114 min
Language English, Hindi, Punjabi

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

1.660 pozitivnih ocena

Novi Sad, Južnobački okrug, Srbija

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