Xilinx Spartan XCS10XL sa kompletnom plocom (LAN + 9-pin serial port)
Ploca na sebi ima 8 x 9 pinova za ulaz/izlaz, field-programmable gate array (programira se po potrebi). Ulaz +5 i +12V, izaz 3.3/5/12V.
Logic Cells: 466
Max System Gates: 10,000
Typical Gate Range (Logic and RAM): 3,000-10,000
CLB Matrix: 14 x 14
Total CLBs: 196
No. of Flip-flops: 616
Max. Avail. User I/O: 112
Total Distributed RAM Bits: 6,272
The Spartan™ -XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ product family is a high-volume production FPGA solution that delivers all the key requirements for ASIC replacement up to 40,000 gates. These requirements include high-performance, on-chip RAM, core solutions, and prices that, in high volume, approach and in many cases, are equivalent to mask programmed ASIC devices. By streamlining the Spartan-XL series feature set, leveraging process technology and focusing on total cost management, the Spartan-XL series delivers the key features required by ASIC and other high-volume logic users while avoiding the initial cost, long development cycles, and inherent risk of conventional ASICs.
✔ Dostupan sam od 15-21h, mogucnost licnog preuzimanja od 15-21h.
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✔ U slucaju negativnih ocena, obavezna uplata na racun pre slanja.
✔ Saljem pouzecem Post Ekspres-om iskljucivo na Vasu odgovornost o trosku kupca.
✔ Nikakva nalazenja po gradu mi ne odgovaraju, ne vrsim dostavu robe, primopredaja ce se obavljati kod mene kuci na Novom Beogradu (naselje Ledine).
✔ Od zamena mi odgovara samo zamena za novac.
✔ Ne saljem van granica Srbije.
☛ Ako se ne slazete sa jednim ili vise gore navedenih uslova prodaje zamolio bih Vas da ne kupujete od mene.