Trenutna ponuda: 2.499 RSD
2.499 RSD minimum Dozvoljen je samo unos celih brojeva
Preko 15 miliona uspešnih kupovina
Recovapro SE 1.0 Massage Gun
Kvalitetna renomirana oprema za masazu. Nov je oko 200E
Puni se ali neve da reaguje. SVetli zeleno i kada se skine sa punjaca nece da se ukljuci. Pri prvom punjenju dok blica zeleno svetlo,ukljuci se,zasvetle lampice ali nista ne reaguje
Sve kompletno u koferu
Recovapro Se massage gun is a whole-body massaging device that uses percussion technology to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle stiffness and soreness, prevent muscle damage, and reduce lactic acid level. Recent studies have shown that a massage gun's Percussive massage can cause muscle to contract 30 times more than normal voluntary contractions. Interestingly, this action results in muscular and fascial lengthening and strengthening, leading to improved muscle strength and enhanced muscle recovery. This combination results in relieving muscular tightness and reducing the physical stress placed on bones and joints.
Recovapro Se Deep tissue massager could be used before, during and after exercise. It helps achieve better performance by stimulating blood and lymph circulation, warming up muscle tissues and improving elasticity. Use after exercise to help deliver more oxygen and nutrients into your muscle and fascial, leading to reduced muscle fatigue, soreness, muscle spasms, and alleviates muscle pain.