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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

3.912 pozitivnih ocena

Niš-Pantelej, Nišavski okrug, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

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50/2 Nikkor for Rangefinder
The 50/2 Nikkor was in production long before Nippon Kogaku considered making cameras. It was introduced in 1939, mounted for Canon S cameras. It was also made available for Leica screwmount cameras. So when Nikon introduced the Nikon I, it was an obvious choice for the fast normal lens.
Any Nikon lens that has been in production as long as this one is bound to come in many variations. As we are manly concerned with lenses form the Nikon rangefinder era here, the first version encountered would be the collapsible version. The first batch of serial numbers are 609xxx, of which a handful were probably made in Nikon mount, the bulk of them would be in Leica screwmount, as is the case for most early Nikkors.

The second batch of 50/2 lenses was numbered 708xxx. Early 708s were mounted to Nikon I cameras, later ones are found on early M cameras. The last batch was numbered 811xxx.

During this batch of 811xxx lenses, Nippon Kogaku decided to abandon the collapsible lens design, and replace it with a rigid one. The remaining lenses that were sold in Nikon mount had a sleeve mounted between the head and the base to prevent collapsing. This was apparently only done to the Nikon mount lenses, collapsible Nikkors are found with these numbers in Leica screwmount. Probably only a few hundred to several hundred were ever produced this way.

In 1950 Nippon Kogaku introduced the 50/2 in a new rigid mount. The first batch of lenses in this barrel are numbered 5008xxx. The serial numbers then change to 617xxx, and runs uninterrupted until 662xxx. The only real noticeable change in this batch is the word "Tokyo" on the beauty ring is replaced by "Japan", although the barrel loses weight insidiously. The next serial number batch marks the change to a barrel finished in black, starting with 714xxx and running up to 768xxx. The break is not clean, however. Some lenses have earlier numbers, probably using up existing beauty rings.

Most of the black barrel lenses have a chrome filter ring in the front, but examples with a black filter ring have been found scattered in small batches throughout production.

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Post express

UKOLIKO VAM OPIS NIJE DOVOLJNO PRECIZAN ILI VAM FOTOGRAFIJE NISU DOVOLJNE DA UTVRDITE STANJE PREDMETA PRODAJE MOLIM VAS DA NE LICITIRATE.Robu šaljem u roku od tri dana nakon prijema uplate na moj tekući račun. Troškove slanja snosi kupac! Tri dana posle prijema pošiljke od strane kupca ukoliko se kupac ne javi porukom sa primedbama, smatrama da je sve isporučeno u skladu sa opisom i kupca ću oceniti pozitivno, a naknadne reklamacije ne prihvatam.Ukoliko dodje do opravdane reklamacije i dogovori se vracanje predmeta prodaje prodavcu,postarinu u oba pravca placa kupac.
Ukoliko je predmet oglasen kao neispravan ili kolekcionarski primerak ne prihvatam nikakve reklamacije ni na ispravnost ni na kompletnost predmeta.
Polovni predmeti imaju tragove upotrebe pa fizicko stanje i eventualna ostecenja pogledajte na fotografijama.
Moze se preuzeti lično na mojoj adresi blizu dis-a u Nišu! Šaljem vrednosnim pismom (troškovi slanja 250 din), a na rizik kupca i preporučenim pismom (troškovi slanja 200din), ako se radi o težini većoj od 100gr šaljem post ekspresom (isporuka do 19h, bez vrednosti, bez otkupa, na adresu koju dobijem od limunda), kupac plaća poštarinu kuriru. Ako kupac u poruci napise drugu adresu u Srbiji ili zeli isporuku do 12h i vrednost posljke, postupicu po zahtevu kupca. Ne odgovaram za oštećenja u transportu. Ne šaljem van Srbije i na Kosovo.Nisam u mogucnosti da saljem vikendom.Ukoliko postekspres ne prima predmet zbog gabarita preko 60cm, saljem Bex-om.


Tazoar (1.207)

100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

3.912 pozitivnih ocena

Niš-Pantelej, Nišavski okrug, Srbija

Svi predmeti prodavca
Predmet: 111807113