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NEW IN BOX POPPLES BY PLAYMATES POPP N' MINI MESSAGE FRIENDLY POPP RECORD AND SHARE SECRET MESSAGES! These funny and furry friends are all about popping up with happy surprises for each other and you.Popples love to surprise their friends with gifts, laughter and funny little sounds. They go from a soft and cushy ball to a lovable pal with just a flick of the wrist.They're extra special popples too because they can record and share your secret messages. Fun surprises never stop, when you hear your Popples pop...nova, nikad otvarana igracka, u originalnom pakovanju, sa uputstvom za koriscenje na engleskom jeziku, snima i reprodukuje vase glasovne poruke pritiskom tastera u usima i repicu igracke...OFY COMPANY...pogledajte i ostale moje aukcije pritiskom na: svi predmeti clana,gde ovu i ostale moje aukcije mozete naci i po fiksnoj ceni...